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On sale Friday, Nov. 15 @10AM

Hailing from the Baltimore/Washington Metropolitan Area, The Rush Experience is a true - RUSH Tribute Act in that the band is a TRIO (3 musicians) fulfilling the traditional roles of Geddy, Alex and Neil...

 Vince Tricarico on drums and percussion

Burke Hunn on guitars and synthesizer pedals

David Kidd on bass, vocals, keyboards and pedals

 The band's repertoire spans RUSH's entire career from their 1974 debut album through 2012's epic swan song, Clockwork Angels.

 The Rush Experience will focus on RUSH's entire 40 Year Career; covering their hey-day 70's and 80's material thru the 90’s and ending at bands retirement from touring in 2015.

 The band performs many of their greatest hits with a wealth of surprising deep cuts that perhaps only Rush performed themselves throughout their celebrated career.

Box Office Hours
Monday: 9am - 12pm
Tuesday: 9am - 4pm
Wednesday: 9am - 4pm
Thursday: 9am - 4pm
Friday: 9am - 4pm*
Saturday: 12pm - 4pm*
Sunday: Closed*

*The box office is also open during events

The Lamp Theatre
222 Main Street 
Irwin, PA 15642


Lamp Theatre ticket policy

Thanks for subscribing!

Lamp Theatre, Irwin

Friends of The Lamp

The Westmoreland County Tourism Grant Program

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